
Our company

CUBE is a multidisciplinary consulting company specialized in data analysis. We can take over your data analysis projects in their globality.

With 10 years’ experience in the field of BI on many tools in international industrial environments or with SMEs, our approach is to support you in your Data projects, by analysing your needs, by consulting you in technological choices, by supporting you in the selection of tools and their deployment, by creating your reports, by maintaining your tools and making them progress and transferring all or part of the business solution to you.

CUBE is not linked to any commercial Business Intelligence solution, which makes its advice neutral and directly linked to the problematics and needs of the client. We therefore have a critical and impartial look at the strengths and weaknesses of the actors in the Business Intelligence market and know the pitfalls to avoid.

Formed by adding the skills of our team, the company is completely flexible to the client’s needs and pace for the implementation of his project.